Vinaora Nivo SliderVinaora Nivo Slider


Dirk is a life-size tramp. He strolls through the streets pushing his rattling shopping trolley.
Dirk is the first free moving robot that is often mistaken for a genuine human being, for the audience it is an interesting encounter that often ends in a startling revelation.
Dirk has already had many human adventures in his relatively short life. People use him as a companion to confide in, accompany him for a while or give him a spare coin.
He even got arrested in a German shopping centre!
However, most of the time you will find Dirk surrounded by a curious audience while he entertains them with the music of his hundred-year old organ.

A central de Artistas

Central de Artistas - / +351 919 530 905 (chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

É uma plataforma gratuita de exposição e promoção de artistas profissionais, que divulga e possibilita para contratação, a arte e os serviços dos utilizadores de uma forma intuitiva e de fácil acesso.

Tem como destinatários o curioso das artes e o potencial cliente que procura a melhor solução para o seu evento.