Vinaora Nivo SliderVinaora Nivo Slider

Igor d'Aboim

Began his apprenticeship in 2002 at the Escola de Musica e Bailado Alberta Lima. In 2003 acquires a scholarship in the same school.

In 2009 enters at the Anabela Lima Dance Company. In 2009 also, after a year in a Visual Arts Course, joined the Balleteatro Professional School for a Contemporary Dance Course, which attended for two years.

Over the years had learned as many styles as possible, always taking the best of each one to create is own style.

In the begging of 2011, falls in love with London, where he was doing some classes at the biggest dance academies of the city for one week. But one week wasn't enough, so exactly one year later, the lover was a month and a half living the experience of his life (so far).

Back to Portugal, all changed, and since then his dream began to be lived.


Going through some experiences of short duration, like being a dancer at a Flash Mob enterprise or at a presented show at Denmark, right now he is at two portuguese dance companies (Just Dance ; Dream Team) ; is teaching Hip Hop dance at the Artâmega - Academia das Artes de Marco de Canavezes and at ADP - Associação Desportiva de Penafiel ; and besides some international projects coming soon, lauched his own audiovisual production company, called d'A Productions.

Desde 2009, formação de, e com: ■ Hip Hop: Fernando Lopes; Vitor Fontes; Lara Alves; Xinês; João Marques; Salas; Pat Lam; Julio Lisboa (Julnako); Super Malcom; Salas; Big Boss; Rita Spider
■ Popping: Max Oliveira; Jr Boogaloo
■ Locking: Max Oliveira
■ B-boy: Salo; Renegados Crew; Lamine
■ R’n’B: Fernando Lopes; Carlos Carvalho
■ House: Naim; Super Malcom; Carlos Carvalho
■ Dança Contemporânea: Marco Ferreira; Erica Sobol; Thais Guimarães; Andreas Dyrdai; Annick Putz; Elisabete Magalhães



■ Participações:
- Portugal Tem Talento
- Achas Que Sabes Dançar (Top 50/60)
- Febre da Dança (Semi-Final)
■ Aparições:
- Actuação no canal MVM
- Bailarino no âmbito da causa Missão Sorriso (RTP1)
- Gala Anjos da Guarda (SIC)
- Gala Missão Sorriso: Especial Natal (TVI)
■ Videoclips:
- Plano Oculto – Eu Não Sei (2012)
- Jay Vachiya – Tá a Bater (2010)
- Veronica Larrene – All I Want Is Dancing (2009)

A central de Artistas

Central de Artistas - / +351 919 530 905 (chamada para a rede móvel nacional)

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Tem como destinatários o curioso das artes e o potencial cliente que procura a melhor solução para o seu evento.